Matte Vases

Not all plants are small and pretty. Some grow tall and wide. To add a vertical dimension to your space, place a Matte vase. Unlike bold colors, gray hues are less likely to show signs of dirt, allowing you to worry less about your garden’s appearance. Use the planter’s height also to mark different spaces within your property.

Product Specifications

Product Code: P0038MA

Medium Size: W-17.5cm | H-19.5cm | B-11cm | 1.7kg

  • Width: 17.5 centimeters (cm)
  • Height: 19.5 centimeters (cm)
  • Base: 11 centimeters (cm)
  • Weight: 1.7 kilograms (kg)

Large Size: W-19.5cm | H-29.5cm | B-12cm | 3kg

  • Width: 19.5 centimeters (cm)
  • Height: 29.5 centimeters (cm)
  • Base: 12 centimeters (cm)
  • Weight: 3 kilograms (kg)
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A Markenjes vase fits any space,

from indoor sanctuaries to outdoor gardens.

Add vitality and express your personality with a Markenjes vase. Choose from different themes to suit your style. 



Matte Vase

Fresh designs that lasts

A white tone to add depth to your space

Matte Vases
